Friday, February 1, 2013

The Line-Up

This week, B Direct received a mailing that was eerily familiar. The simple self-mailer came from production company EU Services, and included a conceptual (and internally rhyming) teaser: "Have you met Ben, Jen & Sven?"

     The cover or art side lined up the three aforementioned "Ens" for us with their individual cries for "Help!" And "SOS!" And "Mayday!"

     We were intrigued. Who were these people and why were they in distress? Since the self-mailer was a simple 8.5 x 11 piece, folded once, we were just a couple of dots of fugitive glue away from solving the mystery.
     Here's what we found:

     Lo and behold! Ben, Jen and Sven are all facing direct mail challenges that — surprise! — EU Services can help them with. Ben needs a new control package. Jen wants something fresh that won't rock her budget. And Sven received an executive edict to add three new test cells. EU Services to the rescue.
     After reading the three customer scenarios, we were encouraged to go online to see how each story ends. We were also offered a "no-hassle 30 minute consultation" if we were "one of the first 50 to respond." Positioning what is probably a sales call into a limited offer is smart ... if it works. But, it's not exactly "an offer you can't refuse."  Including a campaign URL is also a good idea.
     Not including an 800-number? Not so much.
     I mentioned that the package looked familiar and a quick search through our agency archives explained why. Here's a piece for NEDMA from many years back:

And another one, for printshop Alphagraphics:

     We applaud the conceptual approach, using engaging customer stories, humor and a nice touch of empathy. The layout is less than inspired — especially going to a creative audience. (BTW, we're allowed to say this, because we've "been there, done that" ourselves.) The offer's not as strong as it could be. And, there's only one-way to respond. With these mixed reviews, the b's at B Direct are giving the piece a neutral thumb, neither up nor down, kind of horizontal. With a few easy creative tweaks, we think the piece could be a winner.